Payoneer Support Center is Really Helpful . . .

Payoneer Customer Care

Every time when I need any help regarding my Payoneer account, I take the help of support center. And it's really helpful. When I request something, the support team try their best to do this. Today I would like to share my experience with you. After reading this post, you will understand how supportive the Payoneer team is. 

Available Support Options

You must have an account in Payoneer to get supports. And you must be signed in there. Live chat and phone call may not be active always. You will get the proper contact time in the support page.

Case 1: $65 has been Stolen from My Card (Recovered)!

For the first time, I met Payoneer Support Center when I lost $60 from my prepaid master card. In that time, I've little experience. I was not conscious about security measures. Actually it was my mistake. 

I just wrote a review on Payoneer Master Card and made the funniest mistake of my life. As specimen, I scanned my card and used it in my post. It was clearly showing my card number and expiry date! And the culprit (Sorry to mention that, maybe he is my blog reader) was so clever. Probably he understood that it is the picture of an active card. Though it was empty that time. 

I've no idea that in case of online transaction, PIN is not required. Only card number and expiry date is enough to pay the bills. When my card was loaded, I've lost $60 (30 + 30). In that time, I didn't understand what is this! Later I've lost $5 more. Then I've realized the fact. Someone has clarified me the issue and advised to contact Payoneer.

Recovering the money!

As advised, I've contacted the Payoneer Support Team through Live Chat. I've clarified the fact to them and requested to block the card immediately. They suggest me to file a case reporting the issue through proper form. They also informed that I can't apply for an amount which is less than $20. So I just applied for $60. And within few weeks, they returned me the money in my card!

I was just surprised! How did they manage it?!

Case 2: Two Replacement Cards (One Blocked)

After blocking the first one, I applied for a replacement card. Don't know why it was taking more than 4 weeks. I thought, something was wrong that's why the card may not reach my post office. Then I applied for another card.

Just two days after applying for the second replacement card, the first one reached my post office. And by this time, it was blocked by Payoneer support team for issuing me the second one! What should I do now?

Again I took help from support team. I've told them details. Then they unblocked the first replacement card and blocked the second one.

And I just had to pay the replacement fee for one card - $12.95.   

Case 3: Money Sent to the Wrong Person (Recovered)!!!

Believe it or not, only few days ago, 360 Advertisement, paid me $214 via Payoneer. Unfortunately I didn't get the money. Know why? Because the sender (+Anzaq ali)  sent the money to the wrong person. In the list, he just selected the wrong account. And $214 went to the wrong person who was not supposed to get a single dollar!

When I informed Anzaq Ali that I haven't got the money yet, then he checked and found that the money has been sent to the wrong person. Immediately he contacted the Payoneer Support Team. Anzaq Ali also requested that person to send the money back but he denied. 

I must say, Anzaq is lucky enough. The person who got the money by mistake, he made another mistake. He didn't withdraw the money thinking that it's now in my account - nobody can take it back. 

But Payoneer has returned the money to Anzaq within 2/3 days! 

What can I say more? I'm really satisfied with their service. If you have anything to share about Payoneer, just leave a message in the comment box . . . 

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