Irresponsible, Reckless Facebook . . .

Facebook is a social disaster

At the end of 2013, I termed Facebook as Social Cigarette! Believe it or not - it's true! And my statement is being more logical day by day. If the current trend of Facebooking (In all aspects) continues, then the Internet world will be one more step closer to cancer! With around 1.4 billion active users (and ever growing) Facebook (and all other concerned parties) should do something to save the web world . . . 

I don't know how to start this post or how to end. Thousands of issues are related here which can't be expressed by a single blog post. I would like to start with some of the attributes of Facebook - 

  • Irresponsible
  • Reckless
  • Unsafe

Risk Factors Related with Facebook . . .
  • Spam/ Virus/ Malware/ Scam
  • Hacking
  • Privacy Issues
  • Racial/ Political/ Religious Aggression
  • Unwanted/ Heavy Advertising
  • Information Leak
  • Explicit Contents
  • Poor Security System

List of Reckless Activities by Facebook

  • Displays too much advertisement on user profiles, pages and groups.
  • Shows irrelevant advertisements on profiles or pages.
  • Shows explicit/unpleasant ads to the users.
  • Doesn't justify advertisers' ads before displaying it and thus users get trapped.
  • Influences people to promote their page contents through advertising.
  • Recommends unwanted sponsored contents to the users.
  • Prohibits other companies from like and share business but when Facebook does the same thing through money then it is legal. 
  • Doesn't take necessary steps to stop spreading virus, spam and malware related contents.

These are just examples. There could be more than 100 issues that may be included in this list. 

Beware of Phishing!

Phishing is one of the most effective and simply way to steal your password. Suppose you see a post on Facebook that says - 

Get 5000 likes immediately. Sign in to the following site with your Facebook username and password. You must have at least 2000 friends etc. etc. 

Whenever you get something like that, your first task should be to report it. And never sign in to that page with your Facebook username and password. If you sign in by mistake, immediately change your password. Because the phisher will get your email and password if you sign in there!

Beware of Spam Post

Another embarrassing issue is spam post. Suppose you've noticed that one of your friends liked or shared an explicit video, image or any attractive content. If you just hit on this, the next task will be automatically done!

This embarrassing content might be shared with all of your friends, groups or pages. And it may bring you dishonor. Even you may not notice the fact until any friend informs you about it!

What does Facebook do?

Sorry to mention that, Facebook has no time to monitor these issues. Even they don't remove the contents that cause social/ political/ religious aggression. Know why?

Because these contradictory issues bring more visitors there. And their Ad Revenues increase!

Facebook can share its revenues with the people. Like Google AdSense, Facebook can also share its revenues with the profile owners who have millions of followers. But it just consumes revenues.

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