Mobile-Friendly Sites Get Higher Ranking!

Mobile, Smart Phone, Tablet

Few days ago, when I signed in to my Google AdSense account, I got a notification - Your site's mobile-friendliness is now considered as a Google Search ranking signal. Before that I received an email from AdSense Team with the subject - Upcoming mobile-friendliness change in Google Search, is your AdSense site ready?

Yes, Google have started applying this rule since April 21, 2015. And I've already tested my site. Marks PC Solution have successfully passed the Mobile-Friendly test! See the result below:

Test your Site's Mobile-Friendliness

I've also analyzed Marks PC Solution on Google PageSpeed Insights. That result is also satisfactory for mobile devices. Have a look -

Google PageSpeed Test for Mobile Devices

You can also test your site. Simply follow the link below:

After visiting the above link, enter your site's URL to the box. Now hit on the Analyze button to start the test. Within few seconds, you will get the result. If it says okay then you can relax. But if the test shows that your site is not mobile friendly, then you've got a lot of works to do . . .

Make your Site Compatible with Mobile Devices

How do you make your site mobile friendly depends on what do you use to maintain your site. Most of the webmasters use different CMS(s) to manage their websites/ blogs. Such as - WordPress, Blogger, Joomla!, Drupal, Google Sites, Tumblr etc.

And not everyone is expert in all these content management systems (CMS). So, I can't provide solutions except Blogger. 

But there is nothing to worry about. You will get a complete Guide on Google Developers. I think this will cover most of the systems. 

And you should also know, sites which are hosted by Google Sites are already optimized. You don't need to take any action. You can simply take a test

The following links will be useful for you:

Optimize Blogger Sites

If you're using Blogger, then the task is much easier for you. Blogger offers some default mobile-friendly themes. If you enable one of them, then you don't need to make any other changes!

Follow the steps below: 

  1. Open your blogger dashboard.
  2. Go to Template.
  3. Hit on the Settings/ Gear icon under Mobile.
  4. Now look at the image below. Choose the same settings as exactly selected in the following image.
  5. Yes. Show Mobile Template > Choose Default Mobile Template > Hit the Save button.

Default Mobile Templates on Blogger

Now you're ready to go! 

If it seems that your mobile look is very simple but you want a colorful one, then you can choose other templates available below the Default Template. And those templates are also mobile friendly. But you must take the test after choosing the template. 

If you choose the Custom template from the list, then your desktop template will be adapted for mobile devices. But it may not work fine while viewing your site on a mobile device. But if you find your custom template is working fine, then you can use it. 

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